Sunday, September 30, 2012

DIY Tank Side Protector

As I am reading some threads in MCP (Motorcycle Philippines), I came across a thread asking for any Tank Side Protector for his Honda CB110.

As I own a CB110, I also did try looking for a Tank Side Protector before but was dismayed as there ano no local / fake Tank Side protector, most of the tank side protector that I saw is either advertised abroad or order abroad, which cost around Php 3,500. Which, for most of us is not a good price to pay especially if you simply own a not that expensive motorcycle such as a CB110 or Rouser 135.

One original manufacturer of tank grip is TechSpec, you can visit their site following the link below:

Here is a sample tank grip from TechSpec:

For us, instead of purchasing this, we can use Carbon Fiber sticker which are readily available almost anywhere and will cost less and is available in different colors.

Once you purchase a carbon fiber sticker then you can follow the steps below on how to create your own tank grip.

1. Create a layout for your tank

2. Trace your layout on your carbon fiber sticker; cut and stick on your tank.

Remember, this may help in reducing scratches on your tank but this does not give the same comfort as the original tank grip. Again, this is a cheap alternative for having a tank side protector grip.

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